I am at a new internet cafe where I can watch videos, which is great news, but the keyboard might be worse, which is bad news. But I am glad for headphones and a faster connection.
I am doing really well. This week was great. We are getting out and experiencing the city. We are learning a lot. This week I got hit hard with the truths of the gospel and repentance. I am learning and processing, being convicted and encouraged. It is good.
You are all prayed for and missed by me. I may make a video, and will probably never post it. We'll see what happens. In a week we leave for a week of English camp in the mountains with 50 non-Christian Ukrainian students. Please pray for us and me. It is the big outreach week of the year. I need love for the students and oceans of patience with my co-interns.
you guys are great.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Prayer Request
Hey everyone. This is just a quick note asking for prayer. I'm really sick with I don't know what. I was feeling terrible this morning, and tried to make it through the day, but after pool time I had to go lay down. I've been resting ever since and I don't feel much better. Mom thinks I have the symptoms of the swine flu. I, however, do not think I have the swine flu. I think she is paranoid because an elderly woman just died in MD with the swine flu. So, keep me in your prayers and pray for healing.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Watch The Other One First
I haven't kept up with you all very much, so here is a bit of what has been going on in my life. Sorry there are over 2 videos.
I miss you all.
It has been raining constantly since staff training started. That continued during the first week of camp which was terrible for Day Camp because pool (our only time to completely enjoy the kids w/o worrying about safety and discipline) was canceled every day except Friday. This was one of the days we were locked inside the Rec Hall whilst the rain poured ever on outside.
Every meal, the girls and boys compete to see who goes in first to the Dining Hall. This week Rosa, Meredith, and I made our girls memorize songs to popular songs, but we tweaked the words a bit to make them more oriented towards the kitchen staff. You may recognize this hit.
The Friday Night Special Event was Mattress Wrestling for Week One and I had to seat people. This is a little clip of our way over to the gym. Nothing important is in this video. Actually, this is the most useless one. Why did I add it? I wanted you to see my dress.
I miss you all.
It has been raining constantly since staff training started. That continued during the first week of camp which was terrible for Day Camp because pool (our only time to completely enjoy the kids w/o worrying about safety and discipline) was canceled every day except Friday. This was one of the days we were locked inside the Rec Hall whilst the rain poured ever on outside.
Every meal, the girls and boys compete to see who goes in first to the Dining Hall. This week Rosa, Meredith, and I made our girls memorize songs to popular songs, but we tweaked the words a bit to make them more oriented towards the kitchen staff. You may recognize this hit.
The Friday Night Special Event was Mattress Wrestling for Week One and I had to seat people. This is a little clip of our way over to the gym. Nothing important is in this video. Actually, this is the most useless one. Why did I add it? I wanted you to see my dress.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Today is the 15th of June, and I miss you
Hello Friends,
I have been writing a lot of letters lately, so you will likely get an update from me (or contact of some kind) in the next few days (or, in Sally's case, the next few weeks).
Essentially, the gist is this: I am working too much, which always seems to happen, and so lately I've been either working, or tired and at home. I am trying to find a balance between working, spending time with people in Tulsa, and spending time at home with my family and/or by myself. Alone time is refreshing, but I am missing community. It is there, within my reach (answer to prayer), but I've not been taking full advantage of this. I am trying to begin this reorganization process by trying to get more sleep. So, this will be brief so I can take the first step towards this.
I have been writing a lot of letters lately, so you will likely get an update from me (or contact of some kind) in the next few days (or, in Sally's case, the next few weeks).
Essentially, the gist is this: I am working too much, which always seems to happen, and so lately I've been either working, or tired and at home. I am trying to find a balance between working, spending time with people in Tulsa, and spending time at home with my family and/or by myself. Alone time is refreshing, but I am missing community. It is there, within my reach (answer to prayer), but I've not been taking full advantage of this. I am trying to begin this reorganization process by trying to get more sleep. So, this will be brief so I can take the first step towards this.
Here are some pictures, I will hopefully post more soon:
These friends have taken me under their wing. From left to right, Austin, Anna, Sally, Jeff, Haden, me, and Emma. I am so very thankful for them.
When I house-sat for my boss' family, we had a cookout on the back upper deck. Here is our feast before we dug in.
These are the Greeno kids, who I babysit for. They bring so much joy to my life. From Left to Right: Chase(8), Cameron(6), Savannah(5), Connor(12), Casey(11), and Sydney(4).
My prayers are yours,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
from the you crane
Hey friends,
this is frustratingly brief. I am here and God is good. I miss you all a lot and am trying to get on the letter-writing train. I have written three, sent two, and planned so many more.
I am doing well. L'viv is a beautiful city. I can only get on the internet on Saturdays so there is way too much to do on here in the short time I have. Don't expect many more posts.
Thanks for posting your updates. It is so great to hear what you are doing and how God is working in your life and what you are struggling with. I am praying for you all and looking forward to being back together in Norman in August.
On Friday after our morning prayer time we sang the Doxology, a cappella. It was the first time I had sung - in English or at all - in two weeks. Tears filled my eyes as we slowly sang,
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
Amen indeed. God is faithful. You guys are great.
love from the former USSR,
this is frustratingly brief. I am here and God is good. I miss you all a lot and am trying to get on the letter-writing train. I have written three, sent two, and planned so many more.
I am doing well. L'viv is a beautiful city. I can only get on the internet on Saturdays so there is way too much to do on here in the short time I have. Don't expect many more posts.
Thanks for posting your updates. It is so great to hear what you are doing and how God is working in your life and what you are struggling with. I am praying for you all and looking forward to being back together in Norman in August.
On Friday after our morning prayer time we sang the Doxology, a cappella. It was the first time I had sung - in English or at all - in two weeks. Tears filled my eyes as we slowly sang,
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
Amen indeed. God is faithful. You guys are great.
love from the former USSR,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hey everyone. This will be short, but sweet (maybe). Let's get straight to the point; I am overwhelmed with communication. I, along with my other OU friends, (actually I'm not SPEAKING for them, I'm just saying that they have been doing the same things that I have been doing) have been extremely busy with staff training, re-certification classes, catching up with old friends, meeting new ones, spending time with the Lord, keeping our families updated, that I feel like I have become overwhelmed by the desire and need to update, write letters, and make phone calls. I am sorry if you have found yourself wondering, "I wonder if Lindsey hates me..." I hope none of you have thought that this summer so far. I actually assume that you haven't. It would be selfish of me to think that.
I digress...
I'm figuring out that communication will be harder than I thought it would be this summer. Expect letters, phone calls, or something at some point, but for now, it would be refreshing to know that you all are praying for Camp Wabanna and the staff here. Pray specifically for Day Camp as one of our counselors quit yesterday. Pray that God will bring someone to fill her spot and that the rest of the Day Camp staff will fit right in with her. Pray for the children that are coming to Camp Wabanna. Pray that God will open up their hearts and that they will better know the Jesus that has rescued each of us.
Grace is raining,
I digress...
I'm figuring out that communication will be harder than I thought it would be this summer. Expect letters, phone calls, or something at some point, but for now, it would be refreshing to know that you all are praying for Camp Wabanna and the staff here. Pray specifically for Day Camp as one of our counselors quit yesterday. Pray that God will bring someone to fill her spot and that the rest of the Day Camp staff will fit right in with her. Pray for the children that are coming to Camp Wabanna. Pray that God will open up their hearts and that they will better know the Jesus that has rescued each of us.
Grace is raining,
Monday, June 8, 2009
Dear Friends all over the world...
This summer has been an interesting one so far. I spent two weeks in Columbus, Texas at Pine Cove Outback for training. These two weeks were so wonderful, they had their ups and downs of being in a new place...but I fell in love with the ministry of Pine Cove as I got a chance to see what God was doing there. I started off doing lifeguard training, but my knee basically froze up and wouldn't let me continue. I finished off the week doing projects to help get camp ready. The next week we headed up to Tyler to where the main camps are located (a little background...Pine Cove has 8 family and youth camps in Texas. 6 are in Tyler and 2 are in Columbus.)
The next couple of days were some of my favorite days of the whole time...I was there among 900 other college summer staff from all over the nation. (That sounds like a lot, but think of that spread over 8 camps and separated into halves of the summer.) But it was really special to get to see the heartbeat of the ministry. To see how the Lord has blessed them with resources for their camps and resources to minister in urban areas of America as well as internationally to partner with Central and South American countries and teach them how to "do camp". They also have wonderful ministries in the communities that the camps are located in. It's hard to do it justice, but there were times that week I was brought to tears just watching how God is working through that ministry...it was a special couple of days. It's pretty spectacular to be apart of 900 people praying together at once. Anyways...long story short I had a great time the next week cooking and being in the kitchen. I learned a lot of new recipes and just got to know so many people. At camp we have a tradition to give everyone a camp name...it's a really big dramatic ceremony that's a lot of fun. My name is "Baking and Entering"...the story behind it is I'm a cook this summer and I like it when boys open the door for me. Haha random.
Anyways being home I've been reading a lot. I've read
1. A Thousand Ressurections-loved reading about urban ministry in Baltimore
2. Shutter Island--This has been my favorite so far...it's brilliant.
3. The Ultra Marathon Man-Pretty powerful to read about a man who ran 200 miles in one race to help save a little girl he didn't know
I'm currently reading about 6 others all at once...I'll let you know what and how they are!
I've been going to several different doctors and therapists for my knee...that's keeping me busy.
Sometimes I feel like a drug addict...there's lots of highs and lows with my knee right now. I will have a little triumph like today being able to do leg raises without any help (before I could barely lift it 6 inches off the ground when I'm on my back without some kind of support or help)...but then it's hard because today was one of the most painful days with pain throughout my whole leg. I'm struggling with joy
I'm not very good at learning lessons or being patient...I want instant night and day difference after a visit to the doctor or therapist. I want my summer to work how I've planned it instead of not working and going to the doctor and therapist throughout the week. But then I think about it and think how trivial my frustrations are in light of eternity and in light of the life and death struggles other people are facing. I'm learning to trust that God is sovereign and He has a plan to use this for His good despite all the grand plans for my life I attempt to make. I've been thinking a lot about John 3:30 that says...God must get bigger and I must get smaller.
This is turning into a book....these are my thoughts tonight.
What are your thoughts? How have your days been? What are your joys and triumphs? What are your struggles? I know you all have hectic schedules...but I want to hear from you.
So I'm sending this off into the blogging void to you my friends, whenever your day gives you a quick minute to stop and drop a line or a book as to how you have been!
Love and Prayers,
P.S. One of my all time favorite summer verses...and really just in general, but it's a great camp verse is Psalm 90:14 "He fills me each morning with His constant love so that I can sing and be glad all my days."
Sunday, June 7, 2009
My life since Summer Conference has changed. I am no longer an intern and I really have nothing lined up to do after my temporary employment doing whatever needs to be done for my father and his organization. For those that do not know, My dad runs an organization called Second Mile Development. For the past 23 years Second Mile has worked to serve the low income communities of Huntsville through three different avenues, a preschool, a thrift store, and through parent educations within the communities elementary and middle schools. The organization is funded on monetary donations by individuals, churches, foundations, and really anything or anyone that wants to give and also by the sales of the store. My part, this summer, administrative work (filing, pay roll, mailing list, organizing,...blah blah blah. But my main purpose is writing grants proposals to local and national foundations. It's a slow, tedious job with tons of paper work, but could be extremely beneficial. My experience in grant writing is non-existent, so I am concerned that my efforts will be lost and Second Mile's fund raising will suffer. I am thankful for the experience I am gain from this summer. Most jobs want experience in a myriad of skills and this summer is allowing me to have that experience. Woot!
I am planning on returning to Norman in mid to late July to search for a job for the Fall. To be honest, I am more than concerned about finding something adequate to live on or really anything at all. I trust that God will provide and he is sovereign. But my sinful need for control of everything in my life is consuming my lack of employment.
Being back at home after living completely on my own is also a struggle. My family is great and I am thankful, but it is hard. My friends in Huntsville have moved away and so I am left with very little social interaction. This is new for me and quite frankly I don't like it. I am sure that I am learning something from being by myself most of the time, but it's difficult. I am excited to return to Norman and be back with all of you.
I'm accepting and sending letters this summer. My address is:
Anna McDowell
3207 Beverly Drive
Huntsville, Alabama
I love y'all and I miss you,
I am planning on returning to Norman in mid to late July to search for a job for the Fall. To be honest, I am more than concerned about finding something adequate to live on or really anything at all. I trust that God will provide and he is sovereign. But my sinful need for control of everything in my life is consuming my lack of employment.
Being back at home after living completely on my own is also a struggle. My family is great and I am thankful, but it is hard. My friends in Huntsville have moved away and so I am left with very little social interaction. This is new for me and quite frankly I don't like it. I am sure that I am learning something from being by myself most of the time, but it's difficult. I am excited to return to Norman and be back with all of you.
I'm accepting and sending letters this summer. My address is:
Anna McDowell
3207 Beverly Drive
Huntsville, Alabama
I love y'all and I miss you,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Dear Friends,
Oh, I have so much to tell you all. First, I got a job! I will be working as the photographer for New Life Ranch this summer (at least the first few weeks while the original photographer's back heals, but I'll be there the entire summer). I found out on Friday. Camp starts tomorrow. I missed staff training. I have so many things to do to get ready. I'm feeling overwhelmed.
Jury duty is lame if you don't get to sit on a jury. I didn't get to sit. It was lame.
I almost chopped my big toe off! Sadly, it was my own stupidity that caused the incident. I was working in the yard, tearing down our jungle gym, when I sorely misguided my shovel. It got to know my big toe on a very deep, intimate level. There was blood. Lots of it. Consequently, I got to spend the better part of my day on Friday at the doctor's office. It was -I am not lying- the best experience at the doctor's I have ever had. Everyone was so nice. I almost want to try again on my other toe just so I can go back. Hmm... On second thought, I'd better not. (I was going to include a photo of my toe, but my camera is in the center console of my car which is in Tulsa getting new brakes. Sorry.)
I've been struggling lately with worry. So many things have happened within the past week. So many things. My plan for the summer has been turned upside down and given a good beating. Since I won't be in Norman, I've been worrying about my house (summer roommates remembering to pay rent and bills, the yard, etc.), the Hayes House yard (Wes will be taking care of it. He is great.), not having the time I thought I would to read, further relationships, meet with Doug and Mat, make music, work on the shed at the 710 House (name?), etc. At the same time, it is amazing seeing how God worked to bring me back to the Ranch. It all came about so quickly and so perfectly. I am fully confident that this is where God wants me to be this summer. I have absolutely no idea why, but I am excited to see how He will use this summer to sanctify me. It is a bit scary not knowing why God wants me at the Ranch. Last summer when I went I had my own reasons for going, my motivation was selfish. I wanted to be at camp because I would be with great people doing things I liked doing. I am humbled that God used me, in spite of my selfishness. My motivation for going this summer is entirely different (praise be to God). I am going to fill a need. I have no hidden agenda (other than I needed a job). Pray that I serve well and that I do so for Jesus.
One of the things I was most looking forward to about this summer was that I was going to have the time and ability to write you all letters. I had great plans to send amazing care packages to Wabanna. I had come up with several creative things to stick in pertaining to Norman and RUF. Now that I too will be at camp, I probably won't have the time or ability to write as many letters or send as creative a care package. It saddens me and I am sure that you, the recipients, are saddened as well.
Here's my new address:
Daniel Rusco
160 New Life Ranch Dr.
Colcord, OK 74338
You can send me stuff if you'd like.
I've got to go. There are about X number of things I need to do before I leave tomorrow. Hopefully they will all get done.
Your friend,
P.S. I want to hear from the new people on this blog. What are you all up to?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
This Was Unexpected
I wrote all of this last night at aprox 3am, but I am just now hitting the orange button that says "Publish Post". I have nothing extremely important to say. But here it is:
As of yesterday I wasn't leaving until Wednesday. I was driving to Maryland with three others.
Now I am leaving today (Tuesday) and I am flying with those same people.
Stressful is not an extreme-enough word for how I felt yesterday. But God is good. And He provides...
I am leaving today.
I am leaving for Maryland. (It is on the Right Coast)
I will miss you all.
Pray for me this summer as I minister to kids and as I grow with the staff around me.
Send me letters if you can. I will still love you if you do not write me letters. But still...
Lindsey Brewer
101 Likes RD
Edgewater, MD 21037
"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it."
--Russel Baker
My cup is full,
As of yesterday I wasn't leaving until Wednesday. I was driving to Maryland with three others.
Now I am leaving today (Tuesday) and I am flying with those same people.
Stressful is not an extreme-enough word for how I felt yesterday. But God is good. And He provides...
I am leaving today.
I am leaving for Maryland. (It is on the Right Coast)
I will miss you all.
Pray for me this summer as I minister to kids and as I grow with the staff around me.
Send me letters if you can. I will still love you if you do not write me letters. But still...
Lindsey Brewer
101 Likes RD
Edgewater, MD 21037
"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it."
--Russel Baker
My cup is full,
Monday, June 1, 2009
Dear Friends,
I would say that summer has now finally begun. The first and second wave of leavings have now happened (that being Josh, Anna and Michael first, and now Sally and Thomas), and the third wave is approaching rapidly (Linds, Meg, and Jules). The rest of us have begun various summer activities (or at least begun searching for them [Daniel, how goes the job hunt?]), some things we have done before, and some things that are new. I've been thinking about this recently, and I think it is incredibly cool how various, exciting, scary, as well as seemingly mediocre the things our small circle of friends have chosen to participate in are. Josh is being a grown up with a grown up job in a town/state where he knows no one. Sally and Thomas are both traveling around the world to spend the summer in new places with new people they have never met. Megan and Jessie are going to work at summer camp in a capacity they never have before. Jena is living on her own away from her family and spending most of her day with children who can often be less than pleasant.
I think we are awesome. I think that God has placed each of us in different summer roles that have so much potential to teach us and grow us in our relationships with Himself. Whether that is manifesting itself in overseas missions, staffing and ministering at summer camp, or being really lonely and working at a job we hate [ahem, ChickfilA....]. Don't forget to seize every opportunity that you are given (wow, that is cheesy). But really, let God teach you in the small things and the big things. Look for the little things to love [my facebook status is a feeble attempt at daily reminders to myself of the good things from each day so I don't focus on the bad things of each day].
Since I last saw you:
I started work at Chick-fil-A a week ago. I'm working there between 25-30 hours and five days a week. May 18th marked my 5th year of employment with Chick-fil-A. That is a long fancy time to work in fast food my friends. Honestly, CFA is a really great company to work for, and I really love my boss, but it is not where I wish that I had to spend my summer, and the work is hard and smelly and greasy and often times unpleasant. It's difficult to be an exaggerated level of nice with people who are rude to you (But at least I get practical application of "Loving those who persecute me," right?). Sometimes people forget there's a human being standing on the other side of the counter from them. I don't get along with all of my coworkers. All of these things are trials, and I am really having to work hard to keep my attitude positive and "glorify God in all that I do"--even serving people chicken.
I'll be interning with the church where I am a member--Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Mitch Dees is the youth pastor and worship leader for RPC, and while I don't know him well, he has already shown an interest in getting to know me and sharing things he is being taught and wants to teach me as well. This is really great, and I am looking forward to being discipled by Him this summer. Most Tulsa public schools (Jenks, Union, BA) didn't finish school until Friday (3 days ago), so this is our first really "summer week." The kids are coming to hang out at the house I am housesitting (more on this later) on Wednesday, so I'm hoping to get more connected with them in the coming days. Prayer for these relationships and also for my sister, who is having trouble feeling like she is "fitting in" with the RYG kids, is coveted.
I've also been babysitting for the Greeno family. Arthur Greeno owns two ChickfilA stores in Tulsa, one of which I have worked at for several years (more on this above). Last summer I tried to work at CFA as little as possible, and instead worked for Arthur directly, as he was remodeling a house, getting a house ready to sell, and moving into a new house. I also started babysitting for his children, of which there are 6 between the ages of 4 and 12. I am continuing this work this summer, and this brings me so much joy. It is so refreshing to be in a house, with a family, around children. This is such a blessing, and I'm enjoying it. (I'll post pictures soon, so you can get to know them).
They also went to DisneyWorld this week, and I have the pleasure of watching their house while they are gone. It's a house in South Tulsa probably worth between 6-7 mill, so I feel a little bit like I'm cheating them out of their money, since they're essentially paying me to live in a hotel, eat their food, and have my friends come swim in their pool. But this is a blessing, and it's refreshing, and feels sort of like vacation [and means I don't have to work as many hours at CFA this week (!)].
Friends, you are all very dearly loved by me. I hope your summers have started off well, and that you've already begun to be taught. Pray for me, I'm praying for you. Let me know the things you need prayer for.
Love of immeasurable amounts,
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