I have been writing a lot of letters lately, so you will likely get an update from me (or contact of some kind) in the next few days (or, in Sally's case, the next few weeks).
Essentially, the gist is this: I am working too much, which always seems to happen, and so lately I've been either working, or tired and at home. I am trying to find a balance between working, spending time with people in Tulsa, and spending time at home with my family and/or by myself. Alone time is refreshing, but I am missing community. It is there, within my reach (answer to prayer), but I've not been taking full advantage of this. I am trying to begin this reorganization process by trying to get more sleep. So, this will be brief so I can take the first step towards this.
Here are some pictures, I will hopefully post more soon:
These friends have taken me under their wing. From left to right, Austin, Anna, Sally, Jeff, Haden, me, and Emma. I am so very thankful for them.
When I house-sat for my boss' family, we had a cookout on the back upper deck. Here is our feast before we dug in.
These are the Greeno kids, who I babysit for. They bring so much joy to my life. From Left to Right: Chase(8), Cameron(6), Savannah(5), Connor(12), Casey(11), and Sydney(4).
My prayers are yours,
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