Monday, June 8, 2009

Dear Friends all over the world...

This summer has been an interesting one so far. I spent two weeks in Columbus, Texas at Pine Cove Outback for training. These two weeks were so wonderful, they had their ups and downs of being in a new place...but I fell in love with the ministry of Pine Cove as I got a chance to see what God was doing there. I started off doing lifeguard training, but my knee basically froze up and wouldn't let me continue. I finished off the week doing projects to help get camp ready. The next week we headed up to Tyler to where the main camps are located (a little background...Pine Cove has 8 family and youth camps in Texas. 6 are in Tyler and 2 are in Columbus.) 

The next couple of days were some of my favorite days of the whole time...I was there among 900 other college summer staff from all over the nation. (That sounds like a lot, but think of that spread over 8 camps and separated into halves of the summer.) But it was really special to get to see the heartbeat of the ministry. To see how the Lord has blessed them with resources for their camps and resources to minister in urban areas of America as well as internationally to partner with Central and South American countries and teach them how to "do camp". They also have wonderful ministries in the communities that the camps are located in. It's hard to do it justice, but there were times that week I was brought to tears just watching how God is working through that was a special couple of days. It's pretty spectacular to be apart of 900 people praying together at once. Anyways...long story short I had a great time the next week cooking and being in the kitchen. I learned a lot of new recipes and just got to know so many people. At camp we have a tradition to give everyone a camp's a really big dramatic ceremony that's a lot of fun. My name is "Baking and Entering"...the story behind it is I'm a cook this summer and I like it when boys open the door for me. Haha random. 

Anyways being home I've been reading a lot. I've read
1. A Thousand Ressurections-loved reading about urban ministry in Baltimore
2. Shutter Island--This has been my favorite so's brilliant.
3. The Ultra Marathon Man-Pretty powerful to read about a man who ran 200 miles in one race to help save a little girl he didn't know
I'm currently reading about 6 others all at once...I'll let you know what and how they are! 

I've been going to several different doctors and therapists for my knee...that's keeping me busy. 

Sometimes I feel like a drug addict...there's lots of highs and lows with my knee right now. I will have a little triumph like today being able to do leg raises without any help (before I could barely lift it 6 inches off the ground when I'm on my back without some kind of support or help)...but then it's hard because today was one of the most painful days with pain throughout my whole leg. I'm struggling with joy

I'm not very good at learning lessons or being patient...I want instant night and day difference after a visit to the doctor or therapist. I want my summer to work how I've planned it instead of not working and going to the doctor and therapist throughout the week. But then I think about it and think how trivial my frustrations are in light of eternity and in light of the life and death struggles other people are facing. I'm learning to trust that God is sovereign and He has a plan to use this for His good despite all the grand plans for my life I attempt to make.  I've been thinking a lot about John 3:30 that says...God must get bigger and I must get smaller.  

This is turning into a book....these are my thoughts tonight. 

What are your thoughts? How have your days been? What are your joys and triumphs? What are your struggles? I know you all have hectic schedules...but I want to hear from you. 

So I'm sending this off into the blogging void to you my friends, whenever your day gives you a quick minute to stop and drop a line or a book as to how you have been! 

Love and Prayers,

P.S. One of my all time favorite summer verses...and really just in general, but it's a great camp verse is Psalm 90:14 "He fills me each morning with His constant love so that I can sing and be glad all my days."

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